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- {Communications routines for TURBO Pascal written by Alan Bishop
- Handles standart COM1: ports with interrupt handling. Includes
- support for only one port, and with no overflow, parity, or other
- such checking. However, even some of the best communication programs
- don't do this anyway, and I never use it. If you make modifications,
- please send me a copy if you have a simple way of doing it (CIS EMAIL,
- Usenet, MCI Mail, etc) Hope these are useful.
- Alan Bishop - CIS - 72405,647
- Usenet - bishop@ecsvax
- All routines copywrite 1984 by Alan Bishop. To be used in any
- personal or public domain programs. Permission to be used in
- any Freeware type program or any sold program must come from
- Alan Bishop.
- }
- {$C-}
- program commcall;
- const recv_buf_size = 2048; {this may be changed to whatever size you need}
- type buffer_pointer = integer; {just for readability}
- smallstring = string[2]; {for compatibility with my INKEY routine}
- bigstring = string[255]; {general purpose}
- storage = byte; {readability}
- check_bit = (none,even); {readability and expansion}
- var buf_start, buf_end : buffer_pointer; {NOTE: these will change by them-
- selves in the background}
- recv_buffer : array [1..recv_buf_size] of storage; {also self-
- changing}
- speed : integer; {I don't know the top speed these
- routines will handle}
- dbits : 7..8; {only ones most people use}
- stop_bits : 1..2; {does anyone use 2?}
- parity : check_bit; {even and none are the common ones}
- procedure check_range(var range : integer);
- {this is used to adjust buffer pointers}
- begin
- if range > recv_buf_size then range := 1;
- end;
- function commpressed : boolean;
- {like keypressed, but for the comm port}
- begin
- commpressed := (buf_start <> buf_end);
- end;
- function cinkey : smallstring;
- {returns nothing or a code from the buffer - 2 bytes are used for
- ease of use with a two byte inkey routine}
- var result : smallstring;
- temp : integer;
- begin
- if not commpressed then result := ''
- else
- begin
- inline ($FA); {very important}
- temp := recv_buffer[buf_start];
- buf_start := buf_start +1;
- check_range(buf_start);
- inline ($FB); {very important}
- result := chr(temp);
- end;
- cinkey := result;
- end;
- function carrier : boolean;
- {true if carrier, false if not}
- begin
- carrier := odd(port[$3FE] shr 7);
- end;
- procedure set_up_recv_buffer;
- {big procedure isn't it?}
- begin
- buf_start := 1;
- buf_end := 1;
- end;
- procedure set_baud(rate : integer);
- {has no problems with non-standard bauds}
- var a : byte;
- divided : real;
- begin
- if rate<=9600 then
- begin
- speed := rate;
- divided := 115200.0/rate;
- rate := trunc(divided);
- a := port[$3fb];
- if a < 128 then a := a+128;
- port[$3fb] := a;
- port[$3f8] := lo(rate);
- port[$3f9] := hi(rate);
- port[$3fb] := a-128;
- end;
- end;
- procedure update_uart;
- {uses dbits, stop_bits, and parity}
- var a : byte;
- begin
- a := dbits-5;
- if stop_bits = 2 then a := a + 4;
- if parity = even then a := a + 24;
- port[$3fb] := a;
- end;
- procedure init_port;
- {sets up most anything necessary}
- var a,b : integer;
- buf_len : integer;
- begin
- update_uart;
- port[$3f9] := 1; {interupt enable}
- a := port[$3fc];
- if odd(a) then a := 1 else a := 0; {keep terminal ready}
- a := a+10;
- port[$3fc] := a; {turn on req to send and out2}
- a := port[$3fa];
- port[$21] := $c;
- set_baud(1200);
- buf_len := recv_buf_size;
- {this is the background routine}
- inline (
- $1E/
- $0E/
- $1F/
- $BA/*+23/
- $B8/$0C/$25/
- $CD/$21/
- $8B/$BE/BUF_LEN/
- $89/$3E/*+87/
- $1F/
- $2E/$8C/$1E/*+83/
- $EB/$51/
- $FB/
- $1E/
- $50/
- $53/
- $52/
- $56/
- $2E/$8E/$1E/*+70/
- $BA/$F8/$03/
- $EC/
- $8B/$1E/BUF_END/
- $88/$40/$FF/
- $43/
- $E8/$22/$00/
- $89/$1E/BUF_END/
- $3B/$1E/BUF_START/
- $75/$0C/
- $8B/$1E/BUF_START/
- $43/
- $E8/$10/$00/
- $89/$1E/BUF_START/
- $BA/$20/$00/
- $B0/$20/
- $EE/
- $5E/
- $5A/
- $5B/
- $58/
- $1F/
- $CF/
- $2E/$8B/$16/*+11/
- $42/
- $39/$DA/
- $75/$03/
- $BB/$01/$00/
- $C3/
- $00/$00/
- $00/$01/
- $90
- );
- end;
- procedure term_ready(state : boolean);
- {send a true for on, false for off}
- var a : byte;
- begin
- a := port[$3fc];
- if odd(a) then a := a - 1;
- a := a + ord(state);
- port[$3fc] := a;
- end;
- procedure remove_port;
- {gets rid of most problems}
- var a : byte;
- begin
- port[$3f9] := 0;
- a := port[$3fc];
- if odd(a) then a := 1 else a := 0;
- port[$3fc] := a;
- port[$21] := $BC;
- end;
- procedure write_byte(to_send : bigstring);
- {sends out up to 255 bytes}
- var a,b,c : byte;
- begin
- for b := 1 to length(to_send) do
- begin
- c := ord(to_send[b]);
- repeat a := port[$3fd];
- until odd(a shr 5);
- port[$3f8] := c;
- end;
- end;
- procedure break;
- {send a break}
- var a,b : byte;
- begin
- a := port[$3fb];
- b := a;
- if b > 127 then b := b - 128;
- if b <= 63 then b := b + 64;
- port[$3fb] := b;
- delay(400);
- port[$3fb] := a;
- end;
- procedure setup;
- {initialize most stuff - you may want to replace this routine completely}
- var a : byte;
- begin
- dbits := 8;
- parity := none;
- stop_bits := 1;
- speed := 1200;
- init_port;
- term_ready(true);
- end;
- { The following is a sample program illustrating the use of these
- routines. The '|' key exits and ESC sends a break. Because
- of TURBO's standard handling of function keys and other things
- like that, they will also.
- }
- var leave : boolean;
- a : char;
- b : smallstring;
- begin
- setup;
- leave := false;
- while not leave do
- begin
- if keypressed then
- begin
- read(kbd,a);
- if a = '|' then leave := true else
- if a = chr(27) then break else
- write_byte(a);
- end;
- if commpressed then write(cinkey);
- end;
- remove_port;
- term_ready(false);
- end.